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- Original FAQ Question
- 30 January 2010

Microsoft states that the data within the Search Index is obfuscated to prevent easy access to data contained within it. This is partially correct, although the data obfuscation is dependent upon which version of the index is in use and which field of the database table is being referred to.
Windows Search index analyzer de-obfuscates data for use within the program.

- Original FAQ Question
- 30 January 2010

Thumbnails of images are contained within the system thumbcache files and the Search Index contains a reference to these images in the thumbnailcache_id field.

- Original FAQ Question
- 30 January 2010

In the event that the index is not stored in an encrypted location any data stored from encrypted files will not be encrypted within the index.
Microsoft introduced the ability to index encrypted files in version 4.0.

- User Question
- 25 June 2015